Marketing Research

Consumer and B2B Marketing Research Services

Whether you want to simply get a profile of the market or your customer base, or understand which products would resonate best with your customers, we can provide a full set of consulting services designed to get you the answers you need in order to take action. Questions answered include:

  • Customer behavior research to uncover new product areas
  • Product concept tests and feature prioritization
  • Customer satisfaction, loyalty, retention
  • Purchase and non-purchase analysis
  • Market profiles
  • Segmentation (proprietary lifestyle model)
  • Brand and advertising response
  • Employee satisfaction, retention and workplace studies
  • Organizational assessments and member satisfaction

TechSociety Research has expertise in customer and product research for the following industries:

  • Internet services and website evaluations
  • Electronics manufacturing
  • Software and hardware
  • Consumer lifestyles
  • Baseball and other sports fan behavior and profiles
  • Telecommunications
  • Utilities

Possessing over 18 years experience with the Internet, TSR can use the Internet to collect data (with surveys, online ethnographies, website benchmarks, or secondary research), give you insight into how people use the Internet to interact with your business. For those where the Internet is not the suitable means of gathering insight, TSR excels at using telephone, mail, executive interviews, ethnographic observations, qualitative interviews, and focus groups for data collection.